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Welcome from the ASCE Los Angeles Section Board

Welcome to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Los Angeles Section website! The ASCE LA Section has a long, proud history with the engineering world of Los Angeles, dating back to 1913 when it was originally formed. As the leading Civil Engineering Professional Society, it is my great honor to serve as your 2024-2025 ASCE LA Section President.

The ASCE LA Section consists of over 9,500 members throughout our 7 Branches, 6 Younger Member Forums, 11 Student Chapters, 10 Institutes, and Life Member Forum. No matter how you may be looking to get involved, I promise we have something for you; including Professional Development, K-12 Outreach, organizing Award Ceremonies, socials, conferences, judging high school bridge contests, and working with our Civil Engineering Students, to name a few. I strongly encourage you to get involved with your local ASCE Chapter to build your professional network, develop your civil engineering technical skills, and most importantly have fun!

The 2024-2025 ASCE year will be a very exciting year for Los Angeles, as we help host many large events including the 2025 California Infrastructure Symposium in April, our Life Member Forum Luncheon in March, and both the Pacific Southwest Student Symposium (PSWS) in Pomona and the National Student Championships in San Luis Obispo. If you’re looking to volunteer or sponsor any event, please feel free to reach out.

Apart from our large annual events, as President, I am looking forward to build upon our strong engineering community to further advance our profession and build lasting connections through 3 main areas including:

Professional Development – As lifelong learners, I believe ASCE provides Civil Engineers with great opportunities to further advance our professional growth and understanding of the ever-changing world. Whether it’s by attending a conference, taking an ENV SP training course, or attending a technical tour of a construction project, I hope to bring several Professional Development opportunities for all our membership.

Community Engagement – As Civil Engineers, we are responsible for building and maintaining communities to thrive. This involves working with others that may not be Civil Engineers. ASCE provides great opportunities for engineers to get a voice and have opportunities to work with others to promote and educate about infrastructure topics, including Legislative Days in both Washington DC and Sacramento, Engineers Week events to educate K-12 audiences, and volunteer work throughout our communities. As President, I hope to continue building on our successful community engagement efforts, to further branch our civil engineering profession with our communities.

Network – As a professional society, ASCE is completely built on its 150,000+ members who volunteer their time to promote the organization. ASCE thrives on in person events and bringing people together through a variety of formats including professional seminars, socials, technical tours, and conferences around the world. ASCE delivers a second to none approach of providing civil engineers with a vast network of collaborators, colleagues and friends. Personally, I have gained so much from my ASCE network and hope to continue connecting other ASCE LA Section members together to further advance our profession.

Lastly, I asked that each ASCE member looks to give back to their community and what has led you to where you are today. Either looking back onto your early professional career, academic years in college, or your time in K-12 that inspired you to become an engineer. Think of that person, group or organization, and ask yourself how you can become than mentor/role model for the next generations of engineers. Together, we’ll continue to build the civil engineering profession and community.

Hope to see you at one of our many events this year!


Ruwanka Purasinghe, P.E.
2024 - 2025 President
American Society of Civil Engineers Los Angeles Section


Katie Quinn and Gayle Stewart, Section Administrators
Mailing Address:
ASCE LA Section
360 E. 1st Street, #992
Tustin, CA  92780
Phone: 714-258-8306


Share Your Thoughts with Us: Do you have a suggestion, comment, or ideas for the ASCE LA Section? Please submit them to our Section Administrators, Katie Quinn at, and Gayle Stewart at

Join us on LinkedIn: ASCE Los Angeles Section on LinkedIn


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ASCE LA Section Board

Bi-Monthly Board Meetings

Day: Held on 1st Thursday in February, April, June, August (Board Meeting & Leadership Meeting, typically on a Friday), October, and December.
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

April 11, 2025 in Upland, CA

June 28, 2025 in San Luis Obispo, CA

August 7, 2025 (Location TBA)

October 2, 2025 (Location TBA)

December 4, 2025 (Location TBA)


Everyone is welcome!

For the Board Meetings that are held via Zoom, please email Katie Quinn at for the join link if you would like to attend.

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Each year, the Los Angeles Section presents Project and Individual Awards at the Section Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner Ceremony. These Awards are selected from nominations. Learn more about ASCE LA Section Awards

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