Students in the LA Section will particpate in the Pacific Southwest Symposium, hosted by University of California, San Diego in April 2022. The conference will consist of:
- Business meetings (must attend)
- Professional/technical presentations
- Competitions
- Social activities
- Awards banquets
Rules for the 2021 Student Conferences will be available after Labor Day.
ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition
The goal of this competition is to provide civil engineering students an opportunity to gain hands-on, practical experience and leadership skills by working with concrete mix designs and project management.
Sustainable Solutions Competition
The goal of this competition is to provide a fun and creative activity with both an academic and community service component to provide an engaging pathway to success and recognition at the national level.
Surveying Competition
Consists of four separate tasks, each involving three team members to demonstrate the ability to apply the techniques of land surveying.
Regional Student Innovation Contest
This contest provides a platform for students to share their best innovations, while learning to evaluate the available market for it, and win money.
Daniel W. Mead Prize for Students
The prize was established and endowed in 1939 by Daniel W. Mead, Hon.M.ASCE, a Society past president. The contest provides an opportunity for alert young civil engineers to further their professional development and gain national attention.