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Calendar   OC YMF
Date Friday, November 7, 2014 at 4:30pm - 4:30pm
Details Hello Everyone, Our annual group report is due on November 21st so I need your help in preparing a few components. Note it is important that this is on time as we lose points in the national award if it is late; it is also similar information necessary for the group award. I need help from the following individuals to put together some of these sections. They are listed below with names highlighted of individuals I need to help lead those sections. Please have your responses to me no later than November 7th. I will be working on the report during my flight (Red eye on 11/7) to the ELA conference and I also have to work on other nominations for WRYMC. Your timely responses are appreciated. [X] GENERAL MEETING STRUCTURE: (Happy Hours – Nestor, Monthly Board Meetings – Gidti, Officer Retreat – Gidti, LA Section YMFs Joint Meetings – Ravi, Strategy Meetings – Gidti/Remi, Planning Meetings {Speaker Series, JOT, PSBC, K-12, University, etc.} – Gidti/Remi/Amy/Eric) Describe your general meeting structure (location, frequency, attendance) MOST SUCCESSFUL MEETING: (Speaker Series – Bob Bein) – Oscar/Remi Describe your YMG’s most successful meeting last year and what made it stand out from the others. Include details such as date of meeting, number of attendees, cost involved, publicity methods, location, and contact person with e-mail address. YOUNGER MEMBER ACTIVITIES: (1: Speaker Series or Jog-A-Thon if used above – Oscar, 2: Prado Dam – Gyan/Taki, 3:Corazon – Rafa/Roxanne, 4:Clipper Game – Daniela, 5: Key Ingredient’s PM Workshop – Gyan/Remi) Briefly describe 5 field trips, seminars, service projects, social events, sports, and/or other activities your YMG participated in. Highlight a successful activity that you would like to discuss/share with other YMGs. NEW MEMBER RECRUITMENT: (Marcela/Gidti/Remi) How many new ASCE members did younger members in your group recruit over the past year? What is your best technique for recruiting new members? STUDENT INTERACTION: (Eric) How does your YMG interact with your assigned Student Chapter(s) and how could the interaction be improved? UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: (Remi) Please list activities that your YMG is planning for the upcoming 2014-2015 year. DIVERSITY: (Soft Skills Development of Board Members – Gidti/Remi; Joint Event with SWE, Technical Groups – Nestor/Gyan/Taki; AISS and other K-12 events with minorities/disadvantaged kids – Amy) List names, dates, and participation of activities and programs that your YMG has organized to promote diversity. PRE-COLLEGE OUTREACH: (Amy) List names, dates, and participation of activities and programs that your YMG has organized to promote civil engineering to K-12 students. Estimate the number of (a) students, (b) educators/parents, and (c) volunteers who participated in each activity, and the duration of each activity. Identify any resources offered by ASCE that your group used in its outreach. [X] Additionally, if you have recommendations for the various sections that I might have missed, please let me know. Thank you, Gidti Ludesirishoti, ENV SP D 714.730.2317
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