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Calendar   OC YMF
Date Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 6:00pm -
Friday, August 24, 2018 at 10:30pm
Duration   3 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes
Details Are you a young professional with less than 10 years of experience looking for a trusted advisor? Or are you an experienced professional with 10 or more years of experience looking to pass on your knowledge to the next generation of leaders? ASCE Orange County hosts an annual Mentorship Program for the encouragement and development of its members and our future leaders. The program will pair young professionals (protégés) with an experienced civil engineer (mentor) in the local OC Branch. Benefits for the protégés include, but not limited to, learning invaluable professional skills and insight into the industry, receive career guidance, and network with Civil Engineering professionals from Orange County. Benefits for mentors include, but not limited to, being able to guide and empower future civil engineering professionals, motivate and inspire future leaders, and enhance leadership and mentorship skills. WE ARE CURRENTLY IN NEED OF MENTORS, SO PLEASE APPLY IF INTERESTED! NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2017-2018 Mentorship Program (Applications due by August 24, 2018)  ASCE OC Mentorship Program: Application for Mentors »   ASCE OC Mentorship Program: Application for Proteges » Event information, mentoring handouts, and Mentorship Program contact information can all be found on our website at Program Contact Information Contact: ASCE OC Mentorship Committee at  
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