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River Supply Conduit Improvement Upper Reach Unit 7 (RSC7)


Construction Project


The River Supply Conduit Improvement Upper Reach Unit 7 (RSC7) Project is a major infrastructure improvement to LA’s water system. The project installed over 13,325 linear feet of new 78-inch diameter welded steel pipeline primarily through tunneling methods.

The original River Supply Conduit was built in the 1940’s and this project’s purpose was to replace that major artery to LA’s water system. The project helped replace aging infrastructure, meet State regulatory requirements for operating pressure, increased overall capacity of the trunkline, and improved overall system reliability.

By making the water system more resilient, all Angelenos are benefited. The RSC7 will allow water to be transported from the North Hollywood Pump Station to the new Headworks Underground Reservoir Complex, and will serve Angelenos safe, reliable, and efficient water supply for generations to come.