Tidelands Pocket Park Stormwater Project
Small Project
The Tidelands Pocket Park Stormwater Project in the City of Morro Bay is a multi-benefit recreational and stormwater capture facility, serving the senior community at Tidelands Park. The project includes a redeveloped parklet within an existing parking area, bioretention stormwater capture, hardscape, landscape and park furniture improvements. The project also captures and naturally cleans pollutants from a boat cleaning facility upstream.
Project funding is provided through a grant program under the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). These projects demonstrate the effectiveness of green stormwater infrastructure to positively affect environmental and social change in underserved communities, and to empower residents to be actively engaged in projects that address community needs and meet local stormwater management goals.
Design included Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering and Stormwater Resource consultation services for the project, contributing design, community engagement and recreational and park planning. A considerable volunteer effort was implemented to provide planting and other project elements. The project is complete and functional.