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Santa Anita Sediment Placement Site Habitat Mitigation Project



“The Santa Anita Sediment Placement Site Habitat Mitigation Project is a successful creation of 5.5 acres of oak woodland habitat and 2.5 acres of sage scrub habitat as compensation for impacts associated with the Santa Anita Dam Riser Modification and Sediment Removal Project. The creation of this oak woodland and sage scrub is required by Mitigation Measures in the Santa Anita Dam Riser Modification and Reservoir Sediment Removal Project Final Environmental Impact Report and by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Streambed Alteration Agreement. The Santa Anita Dam Riser Modification and Sediment Removal Project (Sediment Removal Project) involved the removal of approximately 500,000 cubic yards of sediment and required the removal of approximately 11 acres of native vegetation on the Middle SPS in preparation for the on-site sediment placement activities. The vegetation removal impacted California sycamore/coast live oak riparian forest and coastal sage scrub habitat.
The Sediment Removal Project mitigation included the establishment of 5.5 acres of oak woodland and 2.5 acres of sage scrub habitat on site as potential mitigation for Sediment Removal Project impacts. On-site mitigation was installed at the Lower Sediment Placement Site (SPS) upon the completion of sediment placement at the site.
The on-site mitigation program has created developing, diverse, self-sustaining oak woodland and associated scrub habitat that has resulted in habitats of similar quality and ecological function to the habitat areas impacted by the Sediment Removal Project. “